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Добавлено: 19 июн 2017, 15:34
ISN code from SIEMENS MS43 can be extracted from 29F400B
Flash. Use any suitable programmer. DO NOT USE Galleto CMD or similar
Flash listed on picture in red rectangular
image001.jpg (51.5 КБ) 41812 просмотров
Take out the Flash from the board, insert into programmer and read it.
Run ISN Editor, select BMW, select MS43, upload read dump and you will see ISN with VIN together.
Upload EWS dump and you will see ISN with VIN stored in EWS. Press DME-EWS button and ISN Editor transfers ISN from DME into EWS, after this press save dump and rewrite synchronized EWS dump back to EWS.

For MS43, its possible to change VIN only, but not ISN